40 Kitchen Life Hacks You Should Know

By Emily Bennett Jun29,2024

Simplifying Your Kitchen Routine

In the modern kitchen, efficiency is key. Here are some essential life hacks to streamline your cooking and cleaning processes:

  1. Use a damp cloth under your cutting board: Prevent slipping by placing a damp cloth or paper towel under your cutting board. This creates traction and stability, making chopping safer and more efficient.
  2. Freeze leftover herbs in olive oil: Preserve unused herbs by chopping them finely and freezing them in ice cube trays filled with olive oil. Pop out a cube when needed for instant flavor in your dishes.
  3. Revive stale bread: To freshen up stale bread, sprinkle it lightly with water and pop it in the oven for a few minutes. It will come out warm and crusty, almost like freshly baked.
  4. Use cooking spray on measuring cups and spoons: Spray measuring tools with cooking spray before measuring sticky substances like honey or molasses to ensure they slide out easily.
  5. Make your own buttermilk: Add a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice to a cup of milk and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Use as a substitute for buttermilk in recipes.
  6. Use an egg slicer for mushrooms: Quickly slice mushrooms by using an egg slicer. It provides even slices with minimal effort.
  7. Keep bananas fresh longer: Wrap the stems of bananas in plastic wrap to slow down the ripening process and keep them fresh for longer.
  8. Use dental floss to cut soft foods: Dental floss can cleanly cut soft cheeses, cakes, and rolls without smashing or sticking.
  9. Use a muffin tin for taco shells: Turn a muffin tin upside down and drape tortillas over the cups. Bake in the oven until crispy to create homemade taco shells.
  10. Prevent boiling over with a wooden spoon: Place a wooden spoon across the top of a pot to prevent water from boiling over. The spoon breaks the surface tension and keeps the water in check.

Organizational Tips for a Neat Kitchen

kitchen counter

Keeping your kitchen organized can save you time and frustration. Try these hacks to maintain order:

  1. Store spices in a drawer: Keep your spices organized and easily accessible by storing them in a drawer with dividers. Label the tops of the lids for quick identification.
  2. Use a lazy Susan in your fridge: Maximize fridge space and reduce food waste by using a lazy Susan for condiments, sauces, and small containers. It makes everything visible and reachable.
  3. Keep potatoes with apples: Store potatoes with an apple to prevent sprouting. The ethylene gas emitted by the apple helps inhibit potato sprouting, keeping them fresher longer.
  4. Label leftovers with masking tape: Use masking tape and a marker to label containers with the date and contents of leftovers. It makes it easy to track freshness and avoid waste.
  5. Hang measuring cups and spoons: Attach hooks inside cabinet doors to hang measuring cups and spoons for quick access and to free up drawer space.
  6. Use a magazine holder for kitchen wraps: Store aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and parchment paper in a magazine holder mounted on the inside of a cabinet door for easy dispensing.
  7. Organize your freezer with bins: Use bins or baskets to categorize and organize items in your freezer. Label each bin so you can quickly find what you need.
  8. Store knives on a magnetic strip: Keep knives off the counter and out of drawers by mounting a magnetic strip on the wall. It’s safer and saves space.
  9. Use a tension rod under the sink: Hang spray bottles from a tension rod placed across the width of the cabinet under your sink to maximize vertical space.
  10. Repurpose a wine rack: Use a wine rack to store water bottles or other tall containers upright to save shelf space in your pantry or fridge.

Cleaning and Maintenance Tricks

kitchen cleaning

Maintaining a clean kitchen doesn’t have to be a chore with these clever hacks:

  1. Clean your microwave with vinegar: Place a bowl of water with vinegar in the microwave and heat it until the window steams up. Wipe down the walls and door for an easy clean-up.
  2. Shine stainless steel with olive oil: Apply a few drops of olive oil to a microfiber cloth and buff your stainless steel appliances to remove fingerprints and smudges.
  3. Use coffee filters for cleaning: Coffee filters are excellent for cleaning windows and mirrors without leaving lint or streaks behind.
  4. Deodorize with lemon and baking soda: Place a bowl of baking soda with lemon slices in your fridge to absorb odors and keep it smelling fresh.
  5. Clean your blender with soap and water: After using your blender, fill it halfway with warm water and a drop of dish soap. Blend for a few seconds, then rinse for an easy clean-up.
  6. Use newspaper to clean glass surfaces: Instead of paper towels, use crumpled newspaper to clean glass surfaces for a streak-free shine.
  7. Remove baked-on grease with baking soda: Make a paste with baking soda and water and apply it to baked-on grease on pans or oven racks. Let it sit overnight, then scrub off with a sponge.
  8. Clean your garbage disposal with ice and citrus peels: Drop ice cubes and citrus peels into your garbage disposal and run it with cold water to clean and freshen it.
  9. Sanitize sponges in the microwave: Wet your sponge and microwave it on high for one minute to kill bacteria and germs.
  10. Use vinegar to clean wooden cutting boards: Wipe wooden cutting boards with undiluted vinegar to disinfect them naturally.

Cooking and Food Preparation Tips

kitchen cooking

Enhance your culinary skills with these handy cooking and food preparation hacks:

  1. Peel ginger with a spoon: Use the edge of a spoon to scrape off ginger skin quickly and efficiently.
  2. Use an apple slicer for potatoes: Apple slicers can also cut potatoes into uniform wedges for frying or baking.
  3. Freeze leftover wine in ice cube trays: Freeze leftover wine in ice cube trays and use the cubes for cooking to add flavor to sauces and stews.
  4. Use a cheese grater for butter: Grate cold butter using a cheese grater for easier mixing into dough or batter.
  5. Prevent avocado from browning: Store avocado halves with a cut onion to prevent them from browning too quickly.
  6. Keep lettuce fresh with paper towels: Wrap lettuce leaves in paper towels before storing them in a plastic bag in the fridge to absorb moisture and keep them crisp.
  7. Use a muffin tin for condiments at a party: Serve multiple condiments in a muffin tin to save space and make serving easier at parties or gatherings.
  8. Make easy pancake shapes with a squeeze bottle: Pour pancake batter into a squeeze bottle to create fun shapes or write messages on the griddle.
  9. Use dental floss to slice soft cheese or cake: Dental floss can cleanly slice through soft foods without squashing them.
  10. Use a pizza cutter for herbs: Quickly chop fresh herbs like basil and parsley by rolling a pizza cutter through them on a cutting board.


Master these kitchen life hacks to transform your cooking and kitchen maintenance routines. From simplifying food prep and organizing your space to efficient cleaning and clever cooking tips, these hacks will save you time and make everyday tasks more enjoyable. Incorporate them into your daily kitchen rituals to enhance efficiency and creativity in your culinary adventures.

By Emily Bennett

Emily Bennett, based in Toronto, Canada, is a dedicated Health & Wellness Writer at VerseTopics. Armed with a degree in Nutritional Sciences from Yale University, Emily excels in holistic nutrition, sustainable living practices, and community health advocacy. Her commitment to promoting balanced lifestyles is evident in her practical tips and insightful articles, empowering readers to make informed decisions about their well-being. Beyond health topics, Emily thrives on exploring a spectrum of intriguing subjects, offering a unique perspective that captivates and enlightens her audience.

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